Thursday, 6 September 2012

My summer work placement at 1Spatial

By Stephen Penson
As a 3rd year Physical Geography student at the University of Sheffield, I started my four week placement at 1Spatial with a slight background in GIS and hoping to gain some experience in the GeoSpatial industry.  The GIS section of my course seems to be one of the most useful skills gained from university and this placement has given me the opportunity to enhance my skills further.

I have learnt how to use Radius Studio and have applied rules and actions to a variety of datasets.  This has enabled me to remove errors such as spikes, overlaps and duplicates which are often present in datasets.  I have also been introduced to a variety of software products such as FME and MapInfo and also the extremely powerful Oracle Database Server.  One significant lesson I have learnt during my time at 1Spatial is that the GIS and GeoSpatial software can do far more than is taught at university.  Serious issues that have been raised in university lectures can more often than not be removed through the software I have been using.

I have also undertaken a variety of other smaller tasks including creating Radius Studio tutorial videos and enabling the live tracking of a seven day charity cycle marathon in aid of Taylan’s Project brain tumour research.  Details of the event can be found at 
The placement has given me a valuable insight into the workings of the GeoSpatial Data Industry and I hope my time here will help my future career prospects once I graduate in a year’s time!

Click here to see the Radius Studio tutorial videos I created during my time at 1Spatial.